Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Growing pains

I’m extremely pleased to announce that our enrollment is up to 521 students as of today.  While it’s great to know that parents are choosing Durham, it means that many of our classrooms are at or beyond capacity.  I am especially concerned about our regular kinder classes as Ms. Froehlich and Ms. Greene each have 25 students in their classes.   Unfortunately, HISD will not provide us with another teacher, until we have 32 students in each class.  That is a scenarios I am not willing to inflict upon our students or our teachers.  Since we are still enrolling students, I have decided to work with the talent and resources that already exists on our campus to open an additional kindergarten class on Monday.

I am excited to announce that Dr. Wethington will be taking over our newly created kinder class.  Dr. Wethington is an amazing educator with a long history of serving the students and families of HISD  She began making the transition this week, by observing her new teammates and familiarizing herself with the kindergarten curriculum.  She is also in the process of putting her room together so that it will be a warm and inviting place for her students.    In order to create the new class, I chose eight students from each of our existing classes by a blind lottery.  Parents of students who will be moved have been notified via personal phone calls. 

In order to ensure that all students continue to utilize technology, I have distributed the computers from the lab to classrooms.  I am also working to procure additional computers through HISD.  It is my intention for us to have at least 5 computers in every classroom so that teachers can integrate technology into daily instruction.  You can feel confident that students will continue to have access to web-based programs that support their learning and that we will continue to engage students through the use of technology. 

As always, I welcome your questions and feedback. 

Thank you for your continued support.

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